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- DRUM TRACKS ON DEMAND | juanvanemmerloot
real acoustic drums recording on demand for your composition Drum tracks on demand for YOUR music Are you looking for real & cool sounding drums for your music tracks? ....and are you tired of programming (or using samples) and pretend a "real drummer" played to your music? Simply contact me and let me breathe new energy into yo ur beautiful music! minimum of 12 separate microphone tracks: close mics, ambient mics, hall real-reverb mics Modern or Vintage drum kits (20" , 22" or 26" bass drum sets) high pitched (funky) snares, bottom punch (rock/pop) snares or low end vintage snares stereo drum mix reference as well as seperate pre EQ-ed tracks ready for direct mixing fast delivery (max 4 days after ordering) Check the TOP studio location where Juan's drums will be recorded for you! Click on this LOGO Contact Find out what recording-artists & producers say about the drumtracks that I have delivered John 'Rabbit' Bundrick - Composer,Producer, Keyboards "It’s John Rabbit Bundrick here, I’ve known Juan for a long time. I wrote this 'off the wall' instrumental using all of the knowledge I have learned from various musicians that exceed in the Jazz world. As soon as I listened back to my work, Juan’s name popped up in my head: a song for me to send to Juan for the drums. As usual his knowledge and professionalism was realised after he sent me his drum version of my Jazz Song titel: Grown Ups" John 'Rabbit' Bundrick - Bob Marley & The Wailers, The Who, Johnny Nash, Crawler, Andy Fairweather Lowe. Jerry Given - Recordi ng Artist "Juan is a highly skilled drummer to whom you can entrust drums of any style. He has a very good sense of the atmosphere your song needs.” Jerry Given - Singer & Songwriter Emile Bode - Music Producer "You always have some kind of expectation or reference in mind when you ask someone to play anything LIVE on your track. Then you hope that what is supplied is of added value, or at the very least more than you expected. In my situation, it's not always an easy operation because my drum recordings are frequently a collection of rhythms that must be replaced by a single drum track. Juan never ceases to amaze me in this regard. No, not the conventional 'I played exactly what I heard for you,' rather Juan interprets what he hears and performs it accordingly. As a result, the track has even more flair, character, and dynamics than it did when it was first constructed. Do you want your music to have more personality or stand out? Then I would strongly recommend Juan because of his drumming mastery and vision. His work is always of the quality and flexibility that I would expect from a professional musician; good! And the fact that he is a producer himself makes a significant difference because he understands exactly what you mean when you say you want or are looking for something special." Emile Bode - TheRoomRecordings Emiel Scholsberg - Recording Artist "When it comes to expressing what it's like to work with Juan, the first and most essential thing I'd want to emphasize is the sheer sincerity with which he treats everything he does and everyone he works with. Juan is the real deal. Period. This creates a secure and healthy environment in which you are free to be... you. Second, being a passionate creative himself, Juan has the unique ability to bring out the best in you, whether you're in the studio with him behind the console or performing on stage with him behind his drumkit. He certainly brings a wealth of expertise to the table, and his mastery of the instrument and production skills require no explanation; if you listen closely, they clearly speak for themselves. However, in my experience, none of this has ever stopped Juan from being open to new ideas, new techniques, and artistic research. Juan has played a significant role in my development as an artist. Emiel Scholsberg - Frimangron Music Arthur Antoine Theunissen - Music Producer " Juan's drum recordings are consistently of excellent quality. All of the hits are on point, and the groove is in place. There's also no shortage of inventiveness. With the multitracks, including good room mics, a fat drum sound is quickly made." Arthur Antoine Theunissen - Studio-CUBE Paul Rosenboom - Singer & Songwriter "I was looking for a drummer that could offer a good drum part for our Christmas single “Oh Holy Night”. Juan van Emmerloot was recommended to me by a musician friend. Reaching out to him I didn’t regret…the track was delivered immediately, and the result was, of course, 'outstanding' and a perfect complement to the rest of the arrangement." " Paul Rosenboom - La Familia Jan Willem Hoekstra - Pianist "We intended to play several of Jason Robert Brown's songs at our musical school DAPA (Dutch Academy of Performing Arts) long before any instrumental music tracks of his songs were available". One of our co-workers tipped us off to someone who might be able to assist us from his home studio. The tight, funky drum recordings that resulted served as the foundation for subsequent collaborations, including complete theatrical shows in which I blended my piano parts from home with Juan's drums and percussion from his studio. And... it doesn't only sound good all of the time; the excellent communication and huge range of possibilities for expanding to additional artists or even complete productions keep you wanting more . It's a must-have for any artist who, like myself, doesn't have access to a real drummer at home." Jan Willem Hoekstra - DAPA
- DISCLAIMER | juanvanemmerloot
English Vanmerloot Music Pros Vanmerloot Music Pros, located at Leeuwenlaan 40 1243KB 's-Graveland Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement. Contact details: https://www.juanvanemmerloot.rocks Merwedestraat 2-D, 6826AB Arnhem The Netherlands +31613524011 Juan van Emmerloot is the Data Protection Officer of Vanmerloot Music Pros. He/she can be reached via info@vanmerlootmusic.com Personal data that we process Vanmerloot Music Pros processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide this data to us yourself. Below you will find an overview of the personal data that we process: * First and last name * E-mail address Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 16 years of age. Unless they have parental or guardian permission. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16. We therefore advise parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information about a minor without this permission, please contact us at info@vanmerlootmusic.com and we will delete this information. For what purpose and on what basis we process personal datapersoonsgegevens Vanmerloot Music Pros processes your personal data for the following purposes: * To be able to call or e-mail you if this is necessary to be able to carry out our services * To deliver goods and services to you Automated decision making Vanmerloot Music Pros makes decisions based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people. These are decisions taken by computer programs or systems, without involving a person (for example an employee of Vanmerloot Music Pros). Vanmerloot Music Pros uses the following computer programs or systems: [complete with the name of the system, why it is used, underlying logic, importance and expected consequences for the person concerned] How long we keep personal data Vanmerloot Music Pros does not store your personal data longer than is strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which your data is collected. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories) of personal data: (Category) personal data > Retention period > Reason Personal details > Retention period > Reason Address > Retention period > Reason Etc. > Retention period > Reason Sharing personal data with third parties Vanmerloot Music Pros only provides to third parties and only if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use Vanmerloot Music Pros does not use cookies or similar techniques. View, modify or delete data You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Vanmerloot Music Pros and you have the right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request to us to send the personal data we have about you in a computer file to you or another organization mentioned by you. You can send a request for access, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or request for withdrawal of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to info@vanmerlootmusic.com . To ensure that the request for access has been made by you, we ask you to send a copy of your proof of identity with the request. Make your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Citizen Service Number (BSN) black in this copy. This is to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but within four weeks. Vanmerloot Music Pros would also like to point out that you have the opportunity to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can do this via the following link: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons How we protect personal data Vanmerloot Music Pros takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you feel that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, please contact our customer service or via info@vanmerlootmusic.com Nederlands Vanmerloot Music Pros Vanmerloot Music Pros, gevestigd aan Leeuwenlaan 40 1243KB 's-Graveland Nederland, is verantwoordelijk voor de verwerking van persoonsgegevens zoals weergegeven in deze privacyverklaring. Contactgegevens: https://www.juanvanemmerloot.rocks Merwedestraat 2-D, 6826AB Arnhem The Netherlands +31613524011 Juan van Emmerloot is de Functionaris Gegevensbescherming van Vanmerloot Music Pros Hij/zij is te bereiken via info@vanmerlootmusic.com Persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken Vanmerloot Music Pros verwerkt je persoonsgegevens doordat je gebruik maakt van onze diensten en/of omdat je deze gegevens zelf aan ons verstrekt. 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Maak in deze kopie je pasfoto, MRZ (machine readable zone, de strook met nummers onderaan het paspoort), paspoortnummer en Burgerservicenummer (BSN) zwart. Dit ter bescherming van je privacy. We reageren zo snel mogelijk, maar binnen vier weken, op jouw verzoek . Vanmerloot Music Pros wil je er tevens op wijzen dat je de mogelijkheid hebt om een klacht in te dienen bij de nationale toezichthouder, de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. Dat kan via de volgende link: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons Hoe wij persoonsgegevens beveiligen Vanmerloot Music Pros neemt de bescherming van jouw gegevens serieus en neemt passende maatregelen om misbruik, verlies, onbevoegde toegang, ongewenste openbaarmaking en ongeoorloofde wijziging tegen te gaan. Als jij het idee hebt dat jouw gegevens toch niet goed beveiligd zijn of er aanwijzingen zijn van misbruik, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice of via info@vanmerlootmusic.com
- BIOGRAPHY | juanvanemmerloot
Juan has a music carreer that goes from classical, blues, rock, progressive rock, jazzpop to fusion. Read and follow his adventurous path in the world of music. Juan's BIO Juan van Emmerloot is a Dutch drummer, music producer and composer (born 12 November 1965 in Waalwijk). Juan started playing drums and percussion at the age of 10 at the local music school where he followed lessons of Marius Spikmans. He joined his first band 'Penthouse' and played live performances at the age of 13. He continued studying music in school until the age of 17. The next step was intensive musical training at the Rotterdam Conservatory. In that same period artist Rudy DeQueljoe introduced Juan to the Dutch rock/pop scene and recognised him as a young talented drummer. In addition he was asked to play with Kaz Lux (Brain Box), Julya Lo'Ko, Laura Fygi & Robby Valentine on tours in The Netherlands. Live performances From 1993 he played on stage with various guitar players and singers such as: Mick Moody & Bernie Marsden (White Snake), Omar Dykes (Omar & The Howlers) and Poppa Chubby. The years following, Juan performed on tours with some of the world's greatest guitarists: Snowy White (Roger Waters, Thin Lizzy), Walter Trout, Mick Rogers (Manfred Man's Earthband), Pat Travers, Steve Lukather and some other great performers. Besides touring in Europe he also toured through Asia with the artists Robby Valentine and Valensia. He went on a tour in North America with acoustic guitarist Peppino D'Agostino who was chosen to be the best guitar player in the United States of year 2007. Until 2018, Juan played on many tours with Snowy White & The Whiteflames. In this band he played together with Max Middleton (Kate Bush, Chris Rea) and Walter Latupeirissa. Studio performances The first time van Emmerloot entered a studio to do a professional studio gig was at the age of 17; he was invited to play on a record of the band of Rudi de Queljoe (Massada, Vitesse) in Joe's Garage Recording studio. After making his entry as a freelance drummer, Juan was asked frequently at the big Dutch studios: Dureco Studios, Wisseloord Studios and Fendal Sound Studios. In 1996 he did his first international studio session for Snowy White at Jacob's Studio, where he had the chance to play tracks with Gary Moore, Chris Rea and David Gilmour. Through this session he played in various studios in the UK, such as Black Barn Studios (Surrey), Barefoot Studio (London) and Curtis Schwartz Studio (Surrey). Other studios where he performed on drums are Real Life Studios (FA), the Urban Recording Studios and Bios Music Productions (IT) and The Sandlane Recording Facilties (NL) Today's bands STEF BURNS LEAGUE: van Emmerloot is a steady band member of the SBL, which stands for 'Stef Burns League'. In the 12 years past, their music has evolved from instrumental guitar fusion to energetic pop rock songs. Line up: Stef Burns - guitars, lead vocal, Paola Zadra - bass, backing vocals, Juan van Emmerloot - drums, backing vocals FREDERIKE MUSIC: Besides paying rock music, Juan has a love for soul and funk; since 2015 he started working as a producer / drummer with jazz singer & songwriter Frederike Schonis. After 4 single productions & releases a band-commitment has formed between Albert van Dorssen (keys Licks and Brains), Frederike Schonis (vocalist FRE) and Juan. In this band the three of them work as co-writers. From January 2020 they formed a band and named it FREDERIKE MUSIC and signed a record deal with the label New Jazz Adventure. In the trio line up of this band Juan performs on bass guitar. Projects: BURNIN THE RULES: A debut album and live project of Juan van Emmerloot: started in January 2014. On this album Juan invited guest artists to join in: John Bundrick - keys (The Who / Bob Marley & The Wailers), Snowy White -guitars (Thin Lizzy, Roger Waters), Brian Zalmijn - vocals (studio artist), Roel de Bock - guitars (studio artist), Roberto Tiranti - vocals (Labyrinth), Max Forleo - vocals (Traveller), Dami Corlazzoli - guitars (band member ), Jos Kamps - bass (band member), Martin Verdonk - percussion (studio artist), Micha Molthoff - violin (La Misíon Imposble), Fabio Valdemarin - keys (studio artist) and Age Kat - guitars (studio artist). On the second album titled: "Trappole" you can hear the following musicians: Albert van Dorssen - keys (Licks & Brains Big Band), Ferry Lagendijk - keys (Waylon, Gare Du Nord), Jos Kamps- bass, Damian Corlazzoli - guitars, Raymond Blahowetz - percussion, Micha Molthoff - violin & strings arrangements, Don Willard - Lute and Frederike Schonis - vocals. G30: Based upon his love for guitar music Juan created a new project based on melodic fusion rock. The first single titled: "Ring of Fairy" was released in may 2020 on the label TheRoomRecordings. Line up for this track: Mark Bogert - lead guitar, Brian Bordes - lead guitar, Juan van Emmerloot - bass, drums, David Clarkson - orchestration. The first EP titled: "Tutto Be Okay" was released in June 2020. After a long period of silence they came out with a new single and video clip titled: “The Final Call” in december 2022. Side projects WAYLON: In 2010 and 2011 Juan performed on stage at the 'North Sea Jazz Festival' with Motown artist Waylon from the Netherlands. In 2017 and 2019 he accompanied Paul Gilbert during the Masterclass shows in Germany & The Netherlands. POWER OF 3: In April 2012 Stef Burns, Billy Sheehan (Steve Vai, Mr Big) and Juan decided to join together and toured in Italy. The project's name is called: "POWER OF 3". WALTER TROUT (European band): In September 2021 Juan stepped in on a tour in The Neherlands, Germany and Denmark. For both Walter, the band and Juan it has been a succefull experience to be on the road again after 20 years and perform on stage. PROGPROMS: This ensemble was founded in 2019 by Kayak & Symfo Classics singer Edward Reekers. The repertoire is a selection of symphonic and progressive rock songs that is updated annually. The set selection includes well-known songs and standout performances by Alan Parsons, Genesis, Yes, and Supertramp. line-up : Edward Reekers keys and vocals (Kayak, Ayreon) Mark Bogert - guitar ( Knight Area + Magoria)Nadine Pruim - vocals (Magoria)Juan van Emmerloot - drums (Snowy White, Steve Lukather)Charles Nagtzaam - bass (Frank Boeijen)Jeffrey Revet - keys (Stream Of Passion, Redstecks) Special guests: Judith Rijnveld - vocals (Kingfisher Sky), Damian Wilson - vocals (Threshold , Aren, Ayreon), Hubert Heeringa - violin, wind instruments (Ten Sharp) AYREON: The composer / producer Arjen Lucassen (Bodine/Vengeance) asked Juan to record drums on a new album tilted: "Transitus". This album was released in September 2020. Teaching In addition to performing, Juan has been teaching for 35 years. In 1992 he started his private drum school. In 1998 he began to teach clinics and workshops in the Netherlands. From 2000 till 2013 he was teaching at the Conservatorium at Rotterdam (also known as "Codarts") where he worked with talented students from all over Europe. Today Juan is CEO & founder at the Groove Impact Academy, where he teaches and coaches on a monthly basis in Arnhem (The Netherlands). The academy is located at the Sound Vision Studio, where he also works with music producer and multi instrumentalist George Konings. Producing As a drummer Juan performed at many studio sessions in the UK and the Netherlands. His fascination and passion for recording music started at the age of 15, using the "pingpong" technique with mono tape cassettes players. A year earlier at the age of 14, Juan was asked to play drums for jingles and demos at a local studio called ‘Joe’s Garage’. The passion of engineer Lats Varga inspired Juan to listen to details in music and to aim for the best live audio recordings. During the studio sessions later on, Juan has had the privilege to work with many great producers such as Ken Thomas, Curtis Schwartz, John Sonneveld, Pim Koopman, Robin Freeman, Erwin Steijlen, Emile Bode, and Joost van den Broek. Through these occasions he learned to listen to the acoustics of a live room, how to use various microphones and how to combine the analogue and digital recording sessions. Today van Emmerloot works at Sound Vision Studio (Drumstudio) on a weekly basis, recording drums for: Marco Canepa (It), S.O.B. Studios (Amsterdam), Bi-OS Productions (It), French House Recording Studio (Fa), Arthur Antoine Theunissen from STUDIO CUBE, George Konings at SOUND VISION Studio, Emile Bode (TheRoomRecordings) and producing albums for international music artists like John Bundrick (The Who, Bob Marley & The Wailers), Stef Burns (Alice Cooper, Sheila E) and Snowy White (Thin Lizzy, Rogers Waters), and for songwriters like Frederike Schonis (NL) and Niccoló Bolchi (IT), Micha Molthoff (NL) and Emiel Scholsberg (NL).. Author of the concept “Drumming Secrets Revealed" Juan van Emmerloot, a drummer and teacher, wrote this study guide for drummers. He began instructing when he was just 19 years old (! ), and in 1992, he ran his own percussion school. From 1999 to 2012, he worked with exceptionally gifted pupils from all over Europe as a teacher at the Rotterdam Conservatory (CODARTS). In order to get better study results in less time, he began writing a concept for drummers during this time. Online Courses: Juan had always thought that the best way to connect with drummers all over the globe would be through the use of video as a medium. In 2019 and 2021, he focused on the content and created more than 246 video lessons. His deep knowledge and skill are released in three online courses in 2023: “Grow from Basic to Advanced” “Song Analysis & Arrangements” “Instant Groove Composing” Book: The book by Juan entitled "Drumming Secrets Revealed - Grow from Basic to Advanced" was published in 2020. It is a 92 page hardcover book packed with information, advice, and illustrations that will help you progress from being a beginning or intermediate drummer to an expert level. Equipment Juan is supportive of building long-term relationships based on human factors when it comes to working with the correct companies. However, that has to go hand in hand with how well-made the goods are that these companies produce. He uses their products to help him produce his characteristic sound, so they must be of A1 quality. Juan: "As a drummer, you just have to be conscious of the fact that your sound isn't entirely produced by you." His favourite choice of top-brands are: Aquarian Drumheads - Audio Technica microphones & headphones - Sonor Drums (Beech Infinite, Birch Infinite, ProLite and AQ1) - Meinl Cymbals - KellyShu (microphone suspension system) - Pro Mark sticks - H&B Enduro drumcases - Protection Racket softbags for cymbals & guitars -ZOOM Q2, Q4, Q8 handheld HD video/audio recorder - Albrando SMAX - Emile Guitars
- Professionele Muziekproductie | Juan van Emmerloot | Arnhem
Recording at your home based studio and can't get a proper mix done? Or do you need a real good and big sounding drum track? This is the right place for you...... Our s tory: As a drummer Juan performed at many studio sessions in the UK and the Netherlands. His fascination and passion for recording music started when he was young, using the "pingpong" technique with mono tape cassettes players. At the age of 14, Juan was asked to play drums for jingles and demos at a local studio called ‘Joe’s Garage’. “I can tell that I got ‘infected’ by the passion of engineer Lats Varga; he inspired me to listen to details in music and to aim for the best live audio recordings”. During the studio sessions later on, Juan has had the privilege to work with many great producers such as Ken Thomas (Jacob's Studios), Paul Lilly (Real Life Ltd.), Curtis Schwartz (Curtis Schwartz Productions) John Sonneveld, Pim Koopman (RIP), (Wisseloord Studios), Don Willard (RIP), Robin Freeman (Fendal Sound Studio), Ernst Jansz (Dureco Studio) and George Koning (Sound Vision). Through these occasions he learned to listen to the acoustics of a live room, how to use various microphones and how to combine the analogue and digital recording sessions. Today van Emmerloot works at "Sound Vision Studio" on a daily basis, recording drums for: Marco Canepa (It), BiOS Productions (It), French House Recording Studio (Fa), Arthur Antoine Theunissen from STUDIO CUBE, George Konings at SOUND VISION Studio and TheRoomRecordings Productions. At Vanmerloot Music Pros we produce music for single releases, EP or albums for international music artists like John Bundrick (The Who, Bob Marley), Stef Burns (Alice Cooper, Sheila E) and Snowy White (Rogers Waters), Between The Jars (NL), FREDERIKE MUSIC (NL), SIMIO Jazz (NL), G30 (NL), ART of NATIONALITIES (UK) and for songwriters like Niccoló Bolchi (IT), Micha Molthoff (NL), Emiel Scholsberg (NL), "Between The Jars" (NL), Ravenna Moscoso (NL), Alex Leenheers (NL), David Laun (DU) and Anton van der Mee (NL), Interview - Interface 243 - feb-mrt 2021 Singer Songwriter Classic Rock Pop Jazz Fusion Modern Rock Easy Listening Real Jazz Soul Indie Pop Fusion Rock Pop Punk Pop Meditative Contact Bedankt! Bericht verzonden. Verzenden
- CONTACT | Drumming Secrets Revealed
From this page you get all direct contact information of the Drumming Secrets Revealed company. CONTACT Drumming Secrets Revealed Groove Impact Academy CEO Juan van Emmerloot Merwedestraat 2D 6826 AB Arnhem Nederland drummingsecretsrevealed@gmail.com Chamber of Commerce - KvK nr. 18082754 VAT-ID / BTW- ID: NL0 01786747B10 Bericht ontvangen! Send
- BANDS | juanvanemmerloot
"Discover the MUSIC! Dive into these electrifying performances featuring Juan van Emmerloot on drums. Experience his unparalleled energy and skill as he powers through dynamic sets with world-class bands. From rock anthems to intricate fusion beats, these videos showcase Juan’s unique talent and passion for music. Don’t miss the chance to witness his artistry in action!" "Discover the MUSIC! Dive into these electrifying performances featuring Juan van Emmerloot on drums. Experience his unparalleled energy and skill as he powers through dynamic sets with world-class bands. From rock anthems to intricate fusion beats, these videos showcase Juan’s unique talent and passion for music. Don’t miss the chance to witness his artistry in action!"
- DISCOGRAPHY | juanvanemmerloot
Discography Welcome to my dicography page! On this page you can find all official released music on which I appeared as a drummer, (percussionist, or even as a bass player) starting from 1993 till today! – "Here We Are" Jan Somers Band album / Timeless Records Holland 1993 – "De Nette Man" V.O.F. De Kunst album / Sony Records Holland 1993 – "Highway to the Sun" Snowy White album / Bellaphone/CNR Germany 1994 – "White Album" Valensia Mercury/Polygram Holland/Jap. 1994 – "Gaya" Valensia Mercury/Polygram Holland/Jap. 1994 – "Colour Me Forever" Julya Lo'ko En Bleu/Briadoon Holland 1995 – "Valentine" Robby Valentine / Polydor Japan 1995 – "Goldtop" Snowy White RPM Records UK 1995 – "Valentine Live" Robby Valentine Polydor Japan 1996 – "No Faith Required" Snowy White / RPM Records UK 1996 – "Blues From a Hotel Room" Andy Fernbach / AKR Records UK 1996 – "4 United" Robby Valentine / Polydor Japan 1997 – "Christmas in Heaven" Robby Valentine / Polydor Japan 1997 – "Hand in Hand" Robby Valentine / Polydor Japan 1997 – "Jimi Hendrix festival div. Artists" Provoque Holland 1998 – "Little Wing" Snowy White / Hypertension / BMG Germany 1998 – "Keep Out - We are Toxic" Snowy White / Hypertension BMG Germany 1999 – "Melting" Snowy White / Mystic Records USA 2000 – "Believing is Seeing" Valentine / Polydor Japan 2000 – "Live At Gaste Garage" Matt Taylor Band / Official Bootleg release UK 2001 – "Peppino D’Agostino” / (DVD) AIX Records USA 2001 – "Restless" Snowy White / Ovaçäo Portugal 2002 – "The Voice Inside" Jan van Oort Band / Kunstoort 2003 – "Drumming Secrets Revealed" drumming method on DVD/ EmpaTV 2004 – "Live Flames" Snowy White / Germany 2007 – "Better Days" Jenna Attison / Whitezöne Portugal 2007 – "World-Universe-Infinity" Stef Burns / Ultratempo 2008 – "In Our Time Of Living" The Snowy White Blues Project/Soulfood 2009 – "World-Universe-Infinity Live DVD" Stef Burns Group / Ultratempo 2010 – "Realistic" Snowy White & The Whiteflames /Soulfood 2011 – "After Paradise" Snowy White & The Whiteflames / Soulfood 2012 – "Roots & Wings" Stef Burns League / Self Records/Ultratempo 2014 – “Burnin' The Rules" Juan van Emmerloot TheRoomRecordings 2014 – “Snowy White Live at Rockpalast" Snowy White Repertoire/WDR 2014 – “Miracle Days” single Stef Burns league /Self Records/Ultratempo 2015 – “WHY” single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings 2015 – “Heaven is Blue” single Stef Burns League / Self Records/Ultratempo 2015 – “Make Me Shine”single Burnin The Rules / TheRoomRecordings 2015 – “Roots & Wings” Vinyl Album & Bounus tracks Stef Burns League / Self Records / Ultratempo 2015 - "Yep Yeah" single Groove-Impact / TheRoomRecordings 2016 - "Do It Like You Mean It!" single LEPR / New Jazz Adventure 2016 - "Trappole" album Burnin The Rules / TheRoomRecordings January 2016 - "Released" album Snowy White / Soulfood 2016 - "Ocean Almighty" single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings September 2016 - "Highway" single JazzInDaHouse feat. Eric Vloeimans / New Jazz Adventure September 2016 - "Tutto Be Okay" single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings October 2016 - "Hidden Treasures" single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings November 2016 - "Don't Waste This Time" single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings December 2016 - "Gathering My New Life" single Frederike Schonis / New Jazz Adventures December 2016 - "Home Again" single Stef Burns League / UltraTempo December 2016 - "Yep Yeah!" Jazz In Da House feat. Juan van Emmerloot / New Jazz Adventures February 2017 – “Heart Blown” sport single / MusicForYourMovies February 2017 - "Nomad's Land" drumvideo composition for Groove Impact feat. Eric Duyckers on drums - "Was dat nou met Jou?" single Micha Molthoff / TheRoomRecordings April 2017 - "Flow of Life!" single Frederike Schonis / New Jazz Adventures April 2017 - "Leaving The Silence" single Jazz in da House feat. Eric Vloeimans / New Jazz Adventures May 2017 - "Vandaag" single Jeroen Weerdenburg / SVS May 2017 - "Thinking About New York" single Jazz In Da House / New Jazz Adventures May 2017 – “IFO” single Burnin The Rules / TheRoomRecordings June 2017 - "Love was So Nice" single Frederike Schonis / New Jazz Adventures September 2017 – “Live At Music Label Night 2017” EP Burnin The Rules / TheRoomRecordings September 2017 – “Night Over Rotterdam” single Jazz in da House / New Jazz Adventure September 2017 – “Reunited” album Snowy White & The Whiteflames Jazz / Soulfood October 2017 – “Last Autumn” single Emiel Scholsberg / TheRoomRecordings December 2017 – “Reference Recordings” album Emiel Scholsberg / TheRoomRecordings December 2017 - "Way Beyond Reason" single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings December 2017 - "This Christmas Day" single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings December 2017 - "Day Dreaming" single Tom Browne / New Jazz Adventure February 2018 - "Hidden Treasures" album Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomrecordings May 2018 - "Better Days" Jenna Attison / Vanmerloot Music Pros September 2018 - "G30" play along for drummers single Juan van Emmerloot feat. Brian Bordes / TheRoomRecordings October 2018 - "Met Wie Tuig Ik Vandaag De Kerstboom Op" - single Zita Duson / Real Dutch Music November 2018 - "Silent Moves" single Juan van Emmerloot feat. Jenna Attison / TheRoomRecordings November 2018 - "Micha" album Micha Molthoff / Molthoff / independent release January 2019 - "Noisy Neighbors" video drum/percussion composition by J.v.E. feat. Tim Velgersdijk / independent release February 2019 - "The Situation" album Snowy White & The Whiteflames /Soulfood March 2019 - "Life Is A Circus" single Juan van Emmerloot feat. Anton van der Mee / TheRoomRecordings April 2019 - "Hommage á Robert" single Juan van Emmerloot / TheRoomRecordings May 2019 - "Zomaar Een Zomerliedje" single Zita Duson / Real Dutch Music July 2019 - "Welcome To My World" single Frederike Schonis / New Jazz Adventure July 2019 - "The Best You Can Be" single Juan van Emmerloot feat. Bart van de Ven & Ravenna Moscoso / TheRoomRecordings October 2019 - "Man and Machine" drumvideo composition for Groove Impact feat. Nico Verspaget / TheRoomRecordings October 2019 - "SDG Song" single by Erwin Steijlen / October 2019 - "Away From Home" album Nik Bolchi / independent release December 2019 - "Discoveri2" drumvideo composition for Groove Impact feat. Tim Velgersdijk / TheRoomRecordings December 2019 - "The Papadum Move" single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. Ferry Lagendijk / TheRoomRecordings December 2019 - "Feel Love" single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. Anton van der Mee / TheRoomRecordings April 2020 - "Ring of Fairy" debut single G30 / TheRoomRecordings May 2020 - "Changing Tides" debut EP Frederike.music / New Jazz Adventures May 2020 - "Groovin Dandy" drumvideo composition for Groove Impact feat Tom Millenaar /TheRoomRecordings May 2020 - "Tutto be Okay" debut EP G30 / TheRoomRecordings June 2020 - "Everythin You Do Baby" single by BM / TheRoomRecordings July 2020 - "Don't Go Away" single by Jazz In Da House / New Jazz Adventure July 2020 - "When I Look At You" single by BM / TheRoomRecordings July 2020 - "Get Out! Now!" single by Ayreon / Ayreon July 2020 - "Hopelessly Slipping Away" single by Ayreon / Music Theories Recordings July 2020 - "This Human Equation" single by Ayreon / Music Theories Recordings August 2020 - "Never Let It Go" drumvideo composition for Groove Impact feat. Dwight Starke / TheRoomRecordings September 2020 - "Talk of the Town" single by Ayreon / Music Theories Recordings September 2020 - "Transitus" album by Ayreon / Music Theories Recordings September 2020 - "Hold On" single by FREDERIKE MUSIC / New Jazz Adventure December 2020 - "Lockdown" single by Gerardo / DANCE MUSIC™ Records December 2020 - "The Last Day Of War And The First Day Of Peace" single by Ayreon / Mascott December 2020 - "Raincoat" debute single by ALEX / Ted Records February 2021 - "Light Me Up" single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. David Laun / TheRoomRecordings March 2021 - "Eurovision Rotterdam" single by Gerardo / DANCE MUSIC Records™ March 2021 - "Am Weltenrand" album by Katja Moslehner / Swantje Records March 2021 - "Raining In Tokyo" single by JazzIndahouse & Royal Grand Tokyo / New Jazz Adventure March 2021 - "Wonders" album by BiggBuss (Paul Pijnenburg & Rob Suters) / BiggBuss Independent Label April 2021 - "Here We Are" single by Vic feat. John Stephen Frank / TheRoomRecordings May 2021 - "Bringing It On" single by Stef Burns League / Lakeside Records May 2021 - "Don't Stop Trying" single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. Robby Valentine / TheRoomRecordings June 2021 - "PopSong" single by Emile Bode / TheRoomRecordings June 2021 - "Follow Your Heart" single by RJ69 (aka Rob Janssen) / Ditto Music June 2021 - "Will You Be There " single by VIC feat. Marvin Dee / TheRoomRecordings July 2021 - "Well Who Are You" single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. David Laun / TheRoomRecordings August 2021 - "Need To Feel" single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. John Stephen Frank / TheRoomRecordings August 2021 - "Glued" single by Monsieur D / Records DK November 2021 - "Oh Holy Night" single by La Familia / Triple Vision Record November 2021 - "Meant For Us" single by Alex Laurence / TedRecords January 2022 - "Hold On" single by RJ69 (aka Rob Janssen) / Ditto Music February 2022 - "Line By Line" album by Alex Laurence / TedRecords February 2022 - "Break Me" single by Jerry Given / G-Style Promotions March 2022 - "Come Back To My Arms" single by VIC feat. John Stephen Frank / TheRoomRecordings March 2022 - "Songs From The Maasai Walk" EP by RJ69 / Independent label May 2022 - "Beach Hunk" single by Emiel Scholsberg / New Jazz Adventure June 2022 - "A Thousand Smiles (Song for Evi)" single by FREDERIKE MUSIC / New Jazz Adventure July 2022 - "Strolling" single by FREDERIKE MUSIC / New Jazz Adventure November 2022 - "Solitude" single by Emiel Scholsberg / New Jazz Adventure 2022 - "The Final Call" single by G30 / TheRoomRecordings December 2022 - "Ballen In De Boom" single by Zita Duson / MusicTM December 2022 - "Utopia" single by Forestella / Beat Interactive (Korea) December 2022 - "Missing Land" single by Juan Van Emmerloot feat. WhyMonkeyWhy / TheRoomRecordings January 2023 - "Freckles" single by FrederikeMusic / New Jazz Adventure January 2023 - "Sweet Delight" single by Juan Van Emmerloot feat. Ferry Lagendijk / March 2023 - "Warrior" single by Gerardo / Dance Music March 2023 - "Blues Cops single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. Ben Rodenburg & Ferry Lagendijk / TheRoomRecordings September 2024 - "World at Your Feet" single by FREDERIKE Music / 40 Lions Records September 2024 - "Where Did You Go" single by Juan van Emmerloot feat. Robby Valentine / TheRoomRecordings October 2024
Photo by Janko Ferlic from Pexels Welcome to the Archives - interviews & advertising archives held by: Rens van Emmerloot DRUMS&PERCUSSION- review January / February 2021 Interview - Interface 243 - feb-mrt 2021 Interview - Musicmaker 481 - mrt-apr 2021 Slagwerkkrant-interview nr. 219 - September 2020 Interface-interview nr. 176 - March 2014 Slagwerkkrant-review nr. 159 - September 2010 Slagwerkkrant-advertising SMAX / PROMARK 2009 De Bassist-interview May 2009 Meet Music-advertising PROMARK Sticks 2007 Brabants Dagblad-interview January 1994 Slagwerkkrant-interview nr. 221 - January 2021 Slagwerkkrant-advertising AUDIO TECHNICA 2021 Slagwerkkrant-announcement nr. 181 - May 2014 Slagwerkkrant-review nr. 219 - September 2020 Slagwerkkrant-advertising AQUARIAN Drumheads 2010 Bandcoach-interview nr.3 - January 2010 Slagwerkkrant-announcement nr. 179 - January 2014 Slagwerkkrant-advertising PROMARK Sticks 2010 Style of Music -review nr. 2 - June 2009 Slagwerkkrant-advertising AQUARIAN Drumheads 2009 Slagwerkkrant-interview nr. 146 - July 2008 Slagwerkkrant-advertising AQUARIAN Drumheads 2008 STICKS-interview nr. 7 - July 1998 Slagwerkkrant-interview nr. 89 - January 1999
- drummer page | Juan van Emmerloot | Arnhem
All about online drum tuition, drum-less tracks, drum recording, professional coaching for advanced drummers. Welcome to the official website of professional drum-coach, teacher, author Juan van Emmerloot . If you have questions: contact "Juan helped me building my career as a professional drummer" Mark van Reusel - drummer of ROBBY VALENTINE, free lance drummer "One of the best coaches out there! He will take your skills to the next level! Not only as a musician, but also as a human being!!" Efraim de Nijs - drummer of WAYLON, NONA, Rilan & The Bombardiers "There are many teachers out there but when it comes to motivation and coaching, Juan makes it happen!” Wouter van Tornhout - drummer of MIKA, teacher at the Jazz & Pop conservatory of Gent, Belgium. If you want to go to my online teaching program for drummers: If you want to purchase my book: If you want to jam with Play Along Music for drummers: Vanmerloot Music Pros Drumming Secrets Revealed Groove Impact Academy VMP Artist Management Business Beat CEO Juan van Emmerloot Merwedestraat 2D 6826 AB Arnhem Nederland info@vanmerlootmusic.com Chamber of Commerce - KvK nr. 18082754 VAT-ID / BTW- ID: NL001786747B10
- DRUM PLAY ALONG MUSIC | juanvanemmerloot
drumless tracks of original music for drummers Play Along Music for Drummers Go to all tracks Go to music Welcome to my Play Along Music for Drummers page! Jam Like Never Before! Welcome to your ultimate drumming playground! Here, you’ll find a collection of original music tracks—crafted and produced just for YOU. These tracks are your perfect companions for practicing, experimenting, and unleashing your creativity. No rules, no limits—just pure rhythm and flow! - What’s Waiting for You? A lineup of professionally produced, drumless tracks ready to inspire. Music designed to let YOU take the lead and make it your own. A chance to step into the groove, experiment, and find your unique sound. - How to Use These Tracks? - Listen: Feel the vibe and get inspired. - Play: Add your flavor, explore new ideas, and have FUN. - Jam: Let go, let loose, and make the music come alive! This is YOUR moment to shine behind the kit. So grab your sticks, hit play, and start jamming with these dynamic, drummer-ready tracks!
- Professionele Coaching voor Drummers | Juan van Emmerloot | Groove Impact Academy in Arnhem
personal coaching sessies voor gevorderde drummers, drum-les voor gevorderde drummers, drumvideo producties Groove Impact Academy™ Methodische aanpak volgens het "Drumming Secrets Revealed" studie concept waarbij je getraind wordt om technisch een betere drummer te worden. (click op de doos) Deze sessies zijn op maat aangepast waarbij de wensen van de kandidaat worden meegenomen. Tijdens dit traject passen we Studio-simulatie training toe waarbij je getraind wordt om onder druk altijd te kunnen presteren. (click op de doos) Tijdens dit traject worden de beste kwaliteiten van de kandidaat naar boven gebracht en ontwikkelen we datgene wat nog verbeterd kan worden. Tijdens de video productie dag wordt jouw uitvoering middels video clip edits, muzikaal arrangement, audio mixage en mastering op professionele wijze klaar gemaakt om vertoond te kunnen worden. (click op de doos) Wat onze kandidaten ervaren tijdens de sessies: Groove Impact Academy - "Project Drum Video" Bekijk nog meer drum kandidaten De ervaringen van onze kandidaten lees je hier: Max Mulhuijzen (drummer van Between The Jars) "Juan heeft een gave om altijd de juiste leerdoelen te identificeren en koppelt deze gave met een brede kennis over zowel muziek, het band-wezen als het coachen van mensen. Dit zorgt voor ontzettend leuke sessies waarvan je met een hoofd vol nieuwe inspiratie thuiskomt. Sinds dat ik in 2017 aan de Groove Impact Academy ben gestart, acht ik mezelf dan ook een technisch capabelere drummer met een veel creatievere benadering van muziekstukken. Dankjewel voor alle mooie sessies tot nu toe, Juan!" Peter van Vugt (freelance drummer) “Bij Groove Impact Academy kijken ze in de eerste plaats niet naar jou als drummer, maar als persoon! Daardoor halen ze niet alleen de beste drummer uit jou, maar ook DE drummer waarvan je waarvan je nooit het vermoeden had dat die in jou zat.” Sophie van Dommelen “Bij Groove Impact wordt er echt aandacht besteed hoe jij je als drummer wilt gaan ontwikkelen. Juan neemt altijd rustig de tijd tijdens de coaching en probeert je zoveel mogelijk mee te geven. De filmpjes en opnames die je mee krijgt tijdens de sessie zijn erg fijn om alles nog rustig terug te kunnen zien.” Timo Vonk "Elke keer als ik bij Juan ben geweest ga ik met een fijn gevoel naar huis. Drum technisch daagt hij mij uit maar hij kijkt ook naar de persoon achter de drummer. Aan de hand daarvan deelt hij zijn ervaringen om mij naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Kortom.. coaching op maat." Topdrummers die coaching ondergingen bij Juan waren o.a. Nicky Loman (Candy Dulfer, Waylon), Ariën van Weesenbeek (Epica), Stef Broks (Textures), Jordi Geuens (Selah Sue), Sean Dhondt (Qmusic), Max van Winkelhof (Diggy Dex), Wim Van der Westen (K's Choice ), Efraim De Nijs Latuheru (Nona, Bo Saris) en vele anderen.... Groove Impact Academy is een officiële handelsnaam geregistreerd bij de - KvK onder nr. 18082754 VAT-ID / BTW- ID: NL001786747B10
- Professionele Coaching voor Drummers | Juan van Emmerloot | Groove Impact Academy in Arnhem
personal coaching sessies voor gevorderde drummers, drum-les voor gevorderde drummers, drumvideo producties De ervaringen van onze kandidaten lees je hier: Max Mulhuijzen (Between The Jars) "Juan heeft een gave om altijd de juiste leerdoelen te identificeren en koppelt deze gave met een brede kennis over zowel muziek, het band-wezen als het coachen van mensen. Dit zorgt voor ontzettend leuke sessies waarvan je met een hoofd vol nieuwe inspiratie thuiskomt. Sinds dat ik in 2017 aan de Groove Impact Academy ben gestart, acht ik mezelf dan ook een technisch capabelere drummer met een veel creatievere benadering van muziekstukken. Dankjewel voor alle mooie sessies tot nu toe, Juan!" Peter van Vugt (freelance drummer) “Bij Groove Impact Academy kijken ze in de eerste plaats niet naar jou als drummer, maar als persoon! Daardoor halen ze niet alleen de beste drummer uit jou, maar ook DE drummer waarvan je waarvan je nooit het vermoeden had dat die in jou zat.” Sophie van Dommelen “Bij Groove Impact wordt er echt aandacht besteed hoe jij je als drummer wilt gaan ontwikkelen. Juan neemt altijd rustig de tijd tijdens de coaching en probeert je zoveel mogelijk mee te geven. De filmpjes en opnames die je mee krijgt tijdens de sessie zijn erg fijn om alles nog rustig terug te kunnen zien.” Nico Verspaget "Coaching For Drummers bij Juan zorgt ervoor dat ik niet op de automatische piloot ga maar kritisch blijf en er iedere keer het beste uit probeer te halen." Sander van Elferen "Ik heb voor mijn conservatorium tijd gestudeerd met Juan. Jaren later ben ik weer terug bij de Groove Impact Academy om mij verder te ontwikkelen: er valt altijd iets te leren, en Juan weet precies hoe hij jou daarin kan begeleiden. Dat maakt hem in mijn ogen een echte coach. Hij benadert alles op een positieve en enthousiaste manier, altijd met ontzettend veel energie. Dat zorgt voor een hele fijne sfeer in de sessies. Daarnaast heeft Juan altijd het muzikale overzicht in zijn achterhoofd, hoe complex de materie ook kan zijn. Ik leer altijd net zo veel door voor de sessie met Juan te praten terwijl wij koffie drinken, dan later achter de drums in zijn studio." Joecha van Gelder - Independent Drummer "Juan weet als geen ander drummers te motiveren en inspireren met zijn practical drums coach sessions. Het avontuur begint direct bij binnenkomst, waar we steevast een kop koffie drinken en praten over wat er in je leven speelt, wat er gebeurd is, wat je recent hebt gedaan en hoe jouw muzikale reis op het drumstel op dit moment verloopt. Hierdoor is Juan altijd goed op de hoogte, en dankzij de klik die er dan al is, duiken we in een inspirerende coachingsessie. Juan is hierin altijd attent op wat jij op dat moment nodig hebt. Het grote voordeel van 'on the spot' coachen, zonder de formele schoolse aanpak, is de directe vonk van creativiteit en inspiratie die ontstaat. Het is ongelofelijk waardevol, en je vertrekt met een overvloed aan nieuwe inspiratie om mee naar huis te nemen! " Topdrummers die coaching ondergingen bij Juan waren o.a. Pim Aarden (Bente), Niels de Waard (Flemming), Nicky Loman (Candy Dulfer, Waylon), Ariën van Weesenbeek (Epica), Stef Broks (Textures), Jordi Geuens (Selah Sue, Soulsister), Sean Dhondt (Qmusic), Max van Winkelhof (Diggy Dex), Wim Van der Westen (K's Choice ), Efraim De Nijs Latuheru (Nona, Bo Saris), en vele anderen.... Groove Impact Academy is een officiële handelsnaam geregistreerd bij de - KvK onder nr. 18082754 VAT-ID / BTW- ID: NL001786747B10 Groove Impact Academy™ Methodische aanpak volgens het "Drumming Secrets Revealed" studie concept waarbij je getraind wordt om technisch een betere drummer te worden. (click op de doos) Deze sessies zijn op maat aangepast waarbij de wensen van de kandidaat worden meegenomen. Tijdens dit traject passen we Studio-simulatie training toe waarbij je getraind wordt om onder druk altijd te kunnen presteren. (click op de doos) Tijdens dit traject worden de beste kwaliteiten van de kandidaat naar boven gebracht en ontwikkelen we datgene wat nog verbeterd kan worden. Tijdens de video productie dag wordt jouw uitvoering middels video clip edits, muzikaal arrangement, audio mixage en mastering op professionele wijze klaar gemaakt om vertoond te kunnen worden. (click op de doos) Wat onze kandidaten ervaren tijdens de sessies: Groove Impact Academy - "Project Drum Video" Bekijk nog meer drum kandidaten G.I.A. Planning overzicht Bekijk hier wanneer het mogelijk zou zijn om jouw drum-coaching sessie in te plannen datum bekijken in de planning 2025 verzoek tot inplannen tijdslot